How to get to the Old Man of Storr by public transport

Read our guide to find out how to easily reach the Old Man of Storr using public transportation

How to get to the Old Man of Storr by public transport

By Gordon Pearson on 31st January 2024

The Old Man of Storr is one of the geological wonders of Scotland and is a must see on your visit to the Isle of Skye. The views of the Old Man of Storr from below are pretty awesome although, to really get the most out of the experience, a hike to the top is highly recommended! The following blog should answer most of your questions regarding how to get to the Old Man of Storr by public transport. P.S If you are looking for a way to get to the Old Man of Storr from Inverness check out our Skye Explorer Hiking Tour!

Is it possible to get to the Old Man of Storr by public transport on Skye?

The simple answer is yes! If you are staying on Skye, then visiting the Old Man of Storr by public transportation is relatively easy. Even if you have a car, you may wish to use the bus instead, as the carpark can get VERY busy at the height of summer! The bus operator is called Stagecoach and the fare is approximately £3 each way from Portree (correct as of 2023). You can pay via card or cash and they do give change (although it’s always best to have the correct change if possible!).

The buses are fairly reliable but, due to a UK wide shortage of bus drivers, it is not unusual for buses to be cancelled at the last minute and, unfortunately, there is not usually a way of finding out if this has happened. It is a good idea to speak to the helpful Visitor Information Centre in Portree the day before to see if they have up-to-date information on bus reliability. Also, please note that there is no bus shelter at the Old Man of Storr but, if it’s raining, you should be able to keep dry next to the toilet block (N.B this is across the road from where the bus will pick-you up).

The bus to the Old Man of Storr is the 57A and the bus back is the 57C. It is one of life’s great mysteries as to where the 57B has gone!

The timetables to the Old Man of Storr (see below) are quite confusing and vary depending on whether it is:

We’d recommend taking a look at the up-to-date timetable on the Stagecoach website here.

Monday to Friday during school term time (as of 2023)

Depart Portree
Arrive Old Man
of Storr
Depart Old Man
of Storr
Arrive Portree
Fri only
Fri only

Monday to Friday during school holidays (as of 2023)

Depart PortreeArrive Old Man
of Storr
Depart Old Man
of Storr
Arrive Portree
6.55am 7.10am8.20am8.35am
Not Fri
12.25pm2.56pm 3.13pm
Fri only
Mon, Wed & Thurs
(4.10pm Thurs)
Mon & Wed

Saturdays (as of 2023)

Depart PortreeArrive Old Man
of Storr
Depart Old Man of StorrArrive Portree

Can I get a taxi to the Old Man of Storr from Portree?

Getting a taxi to the Old Man of Storr can be difficult indeed as there are a very limited number of taxis, and ride sharing apps such as Uber don’t operate anywhere north of Edinburgh. Journeys should definitely be booked in advance if possible.

There is a taxi rank in Somerled Square, Portree. If there is a taxi in the rank it should be relatively simple to get a ride out to the Old Man of Storr. However, trying to get a taxi to come and pick you back up could be quite difficult! It’s worth noting that quite a lot of taxis will be involved in school transport, meaning getting taxis between 8am and 9.30am and 3pm and 4.30pm can be problematic during school term time (to find out school holiday times click here).

In Conclusion

With a bit of forward planning getting to and from the Old Man of Storr by public transport is fairly easy. We’d recommend taking the bus, but it’s worth having some taxi phone numbers as back-up just in case the return bus doesn’t show up. And be sure to check out our Skye Explorer Hiking Tour from Inverness if you are looking for an easy way to explore the Old Man of Storr from Inverness!

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